* 12. September 2013
Eltern | Großeltern | Ur-Großeltern | Ur-Ur-Großeltern |
Bjarew vom Sternenschweif
black-smoke/wh SIB ns 09 |
James Duffy the Fabulous black-ticked-tabby/wh SIB n 25 09 |
Emil of little Moscow cream-lynx-point SIB e 21 33 |
the Cuddle Miracle
seal-point SIB n 33 |
Chica of little Moscow cinnamon-torbie-point XLH q 21 33 |
CH. Elena Prekrasnaja iz Dikoj Tajgij
black-silver-spotted/white SIB-ns-09-24 |
Baikal Onix-Gloria golden-classic-tabby SIB ny 22 |
CH. Biruzia Zolotoe Serdechko
seal-tortie-smoke point/white SIB fs 33 09 |
Solo Sunny the Fabulous blue-smoke/white SIB as 09 |
Puschkin the Fabulous
chocolate-tabby-mc XLH b 23 |
the Cuddle Miracle
seal-point SIB n 33 |
Amber of Moorlandfairy
fawn-torbie-spotted XLH r 24 |
CH. Biruzia Zolotoe Serdechko
seal-tortie-smoke point/white SIB fs 33 09 |
Int.Ch. Don Juan Iz
Odissei blue-point SIB a 33 |
Zhasmin Zolotoe Serdechko seal-tortie-smoke/wh SIB fs 09 33 |
Well the Fabulous
black tabby mc. SIB n 23 |
Amadeus von den Marzipanschnuten black-smoke SIB ns |
WC Orlando von der Ritterburg
blue-silver-tabby-mc/white SIB as 09 23 |
Int.Ch. Feliks Grey silver-blue-tabby-mc SIB as 23 |
CH Isabel von der Ritterburg blue-tabby-point/white SIB a 09 21 33 |
Alessia von Sumadaso seal point SIB n 33 |
Sladkij Lehl von Rostovskaja Krasawiza black silver tabby SIB ns 21 |
Dana of Bell Tower seal tabby point SIB n 21 33 |
Mojito the Fabulous
black tabby mc. SIB n 23 |
Dimitri of little Moscow
black tabby mc. SIB n 23 |
IzMinou the Fabulous black-spotted SIB n 24 |
Biggi of little Moscow
cinnamon-mc-tabby XLH o 23 |
Very Special the Fabulous
cinnamon torbie mc/ white SIB q 23 09 |
Emil of little Moscow cream-lynx-point SIB e 21 33 |
Panajota's Becky brown-torbie-mc SIB h 23 |
weitere Stammbaumforschung |