Eltern | Großeltern | Ur-Großeltern | Ur-Ur-Großeltern |
SIB ns
GIC Orlando von der Ritterburg
blue-silver-tabby-mc/white SIB as 09 23 |
Int.Ch. Feliks Grey silver-blue-tabby-mc SIB as 23 |
Gr.Eu.Ch. Patrik Marcell red-tabby-mc/white SIB d 09 23 |
Gr. Int.Ch Margaret Sil'ver Grey silver-shadded SIB ns 11 |
CH Isabel von der Ritterburg blue-tabby-point/white SIB a 09 21 33 |
Dolce Kapris
blue-point/white SIB a 09 33 |
Int.Ch Osana-Amadea von der Ritterburg seal-tabby-point SIB n 21 33 |
Olga Zarewna
seal-tortie-point/white SIB f 09 33 |
Buket vom
grossen Haus blue-smoke SIB as |
Neva Cat Fuchur
blue-point SIB a 33 |
Wolonskaja's Gundula
blue-silver tabby mc. SIB as 23 |
Fenka the
Fabulous seal-tortie-point/white SIB f 09 33 |
CH Fellini von der Ritterburg seal-point/white SIB n 09 33 |
Ch. Iz Ermitage
Mussa seal-tortie-point/white SIB f 09 33 |
JackyIckx von der Milchstrasse chocolate-tabby-point XLH b 21 33
Fuchur die bunte Bande chocolate-point-gloved SBI b 33 |
CH. Le Charmeur van Irma la Poes chocolate-point-gloved SBI b 33 |
Ch. Shakandah Shah Shakeern chocolate-point-gloved SBI b 33 |
Lady Jasmijn van Irma la Poes seal-tabby-point-gloved SBI b 33 |
Opfelia von Kedgeree |
Ch. Balou von Achat chocolate-point-gloved SBI b 33 |
Mona von Kedgeree chocolate-point-gloved SBI b 33 |
Anna of
cinnamon-torbie-point XLH q 21 33 |
Edwinko the
red-tabby-point XLH d 21 33 |
Juri's Don cinnamon-ticked-point XLH o 25 33 |
IC. Iljina Dikaya Krassa red-tabby-point SIB d 21 33 |
BeArwen of little
Moscow |
Gemcat's Adam
cinnamon-ticked-tabby XLH o 25 |
Ebony black-ticked XLH n 25 |
weitere Stammbaumforschung |